After EMOOCs 2013 and 2014 (Lausanne, Switzerland), 2015 (Mons, Belgium), 2016 (Graz, Austria), 2017 (Madrid, Spain), and 2019 (Naples, Italy), we are looking for institutions interested in hosting EMOOCs 2020 or EMOOCs 2021 in the second trimester of 2020 or in the second trimester of 2021.

EMOOCs is not a standard academic conference where researchers present their work, but a meeting of MOOC stakeholders: decision makers, production teams, pedagogical advisors, corporate actors, teachers, activists…. and researchers. The main format is hence not presentations but panels or any kind of discussion format.

The application to host EMOOCs 2020 or EMOOCs 2021 should be a 4-5 pages in a PDF file, composed of the following items:

  1. Relevance: How is the institution engaged in MOOCs? What makes this institution a particular MOOC player?
  2. Who will be the General Chair (URL to his/her webpage) and who will be in the organization committee?
  3. Location & Dates: where and when would the event be hosted? Is it easy to reach? What makes this place attractive?
  4. Budget: tentative financial plans, including registration fees.
  5. Activities: a first overview of what the program could be (innovative conference formats would be highly welcomed), and whether EMOOCs 2020 will be co-located with any other event.

Please submit your proposal to by July 1st, 2019.

The location will be selected by a committee of a few persons who played a major role in previous events:
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Mauro Calise, Patrick Jermann, Timo Kos, Françoise Docq, Martin Ebner, Catherine Mongenet, Gideon Shimshon, and Michael Gaebel.