General Chair

Mauro Calise (Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Track Chair

Catherine Mongenet (FUN, France), Gideon Shimshon (Imperial College, UK), Thomas Staubitz (HPI, Germany)

Track Committee

Christian Friedl, FH Joanneum Graz, Austria
Dhawal Shah, Class Central, USA
Gerry Greyling, Imperial College, UK
Anna Hansch, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Germany
Monica Hamori, IE Business School, Spain
Agnieszka Żur, Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Thomas Hurkxkens, Imperial College, UK

Call for Papers

The HE scenario is changing as lifelong learning, rather than a one-time educational qualification, becomes a key target for the knowledge economy. The education market place is now a bustling, evolving and unbundled group of players, comprising a variety of private and public funders, providers and certifiers of educational content, alongside traditional universities. Marked by strategic alliances but also by competition and conflict of interest. Several of the most popular MOOCs in 2018 are not taught by HE institutions, leading some experts to question whether, as courses turn into on-demand web-products, colleges will get cut out of the process altogether over time.

As degree requirements for middle-level jobs increase, it opens the market for a broader portfolio of post-graduate qualifications that offer more cost-effective solutions for students and faster, more streamlined solutions for certain recruiters. The emergence of MOOCs like micromasters courses or nanodegrees, produced by the corporate sector either by their own training department, or in collaboration with a recognised HE Institution, seems to suggest that some of the new credentials, based on project work and skills acquisition as well as academic performance, might be considered reliable indicators of candidate suitability in certain professional sectors. And thus be an alternative model for recruitment.

In terms of lifelong learning, MOOCs can contribute to a repositioning of universities within the education market in line with a strategy of forging stronger links with the local context – through cultural branding – and with its industry networks – providing educational benefits and specific training opportunities to staff – which university governance reforms and reductions in government funding seem to suggest.

This track enables participants to reflect on changing business models in the HE market, and the way that the different players and their roles coincide and diverge in the provision of CPD and on-the-job training, opportunities for reskilling or upskilling for the lifelong learning sector, and in the creation of branding or marketing initiatives. Contributions would be welcome from universities, corporate players, Foundations, NGOs, SMEs and public organisations who wish to share their experience of MOOC provision. Relevant topics include though are not restricted to:

  •      University/Corporate partnerships in the context of MOOCs and professional development
  •      HE Institution/Foundation partnerships in the context of MOOCs
  •      MOOCs for marketing strategies
  •      Corporate MOOCs for in-house training
  •      MOOCs for recruitment
  •      MOOCs for Corporate Social Responsibility
  •      MOOCs for customer training


Submission of Papers

This is a one-step process, via direct submission of abstract and full paper.

Short paper: up to 6 pages including references

Submissions will be handled through EasyChair.

The use of the LNCS template is mandatory:


The Business Track proceedings will be submitted to for online publication.

Position papers or presentations of concrete plans for programs that will be published in the very near future are also welcome.

You are invited to submit a proposal for an alternative presentation format (e.g. Panel discussions, Pecha Kuchas, World Cafés or similar).
Please use the following template to submit such a proposal, describing briefly what you have in mind. 

Submissions are now closed

  • Important dates:
    • 31 March 2019: Short Paper and alternative presentation submissions for Business Track
    • 15 April 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection
    • 25 April 2019: Camera-ready versions for online Proceedings with ISBN and copyright form

Conference Track

The EMOOCs Summit Program