General Chair

Mauro Calise (Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Track Chair

Justin Reich (MIT, USA), Jose Ruiperez-Valiente (MIT, USA)

Track Committee

Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Giora Alexandron, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel
Christopher Brooks, University of Michigan, USA
Eric Bruillard, Paris Descartes, France
Oriol Borrás Gené, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Armando Fox, Berkeley, USA
Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala
Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Garron Hillaire, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Elizabeth Huttner-Loan,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Yuma Inzolia, MiriadaX, Spain
Matt Jenner, Futurelearn, UK
Srecko Joksimovic, University of South Australia, Australia
Ruth Kerr, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
René Kizilcec, Cornell University, USA
Janine Kiers, TU Delft, Netherlands
Vitomir Kovanovic, University of South Australia, Australia
Josh Littenberg-Tobias, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Alejandro Ortega Arranz University of Valladolid, Spain
Abelardo Pardo, University of South Australia,
Mar Pérez-Sangustín, Université Paul Sabatier Tolouse III, France
Ting-Chuen Pong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Eva Ponce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez, Colombia
Marcus Specht, TU Delft, Netherlands
Orlando Trejo, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Tim van der Zee, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Elle Yuan Wang, EdPlus Action Lab, USA

Call for Papers

The Experience Track sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to debate and learn more about the role, current trends and future directions that MOOCs are taking to continue their online learning delivery in Higher Education. The track will bring together diverse stakeholders to discuss four important areas around MOOCs. First, by discussing best practices in MOOC production processes, quality assurance, with emphasis on sustainable models that address the issue of certification and credentialing. A second focus is on the incorporation of pedagogy and MOOC design elements that can bring rich learning experiences, as well as new innovative teaching and learning models that can match the expectations of the stakeholders. Third, we also invite contributions that reimagine and bring new affordances to the role of technology in MOOCs, such as the development or use of new virtual learning environments and social spaces, interactive and interoperable learning objects, immersive and wearable technologies, or techniques such as a gamification, and how all of these impact student engagement and learning outcomes. Last, the multiple roles of analytics within the MOOC ecosystem, for example to systematically optimize production or measure quality, to quantify the effectiveness of different learning designs and models in terms of learners’ engagement and outcomes, or to be included as part of new technological analytics products such as dashboards, adaptation or recommendation engines.

This track welcomes contributions from the different stakeholders involved in the process of developing and teaching MOOCs such as educational technologist, designers, policy makers, managers, practitioners or analysts. As in previous editions of EMOOCs conference, we encourage the submission of contributions that quantify the impact of the experiences and initiatives that they report to some degree while also highlighting best practices that can be useful and applied by different stakeholders. We welcome papers including, but not limited to, the following topics on a MOOC context:

  • Best practices in MOOC production processes, open educational resources, open licenses and interchangeability, methodologies for quality control, teacher training, scalability issues.
  • Innovative teaching practices, MOOC design, new forms of alternative yet rigorous assessment, hybrid and flipped models.
  • Model sustainability, alternative credentials, pricing elasticity, certificate value.
  • Emerging technology trends, learning tools, immersive learning VR/AR, infrastructure as a service, interoperability of learning objects.
  • New data products embedded in MOOCs, data privacy and policy, attempts to measure the impact of MOOCs on learners, cross-referencing on-campus and online data, learners’ engagement, institution analytics, curriculum design supported by data.


Submission of Papers

This is a one-step process, via direct submission of abstract and full paper.

Full paper: up to 10 pages including references

There will be official conference proceedings for this track and submissions will be handled through EasyChair.

The use of the supplied Springer template is mandatory:

Please remember to indicate the relevant Track when you submit your paper.


The Proceedings of the Experience Track will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.

Important Dates:

  • 14 Jan 2019: Paper submissions for Experience Track.
  • 18 Feb 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection
  • 14 Mar 2019: Camera-ready versions for Springer LNCS Proceedings and copyright form.

Latecomer authors who still wish to submit are asked to contact organisers at


Submission of Work-in-Progress Short Papers

Short papers (up to 6 pages) are also  accepted in this track, reflecting work in progress, for publication in Online proceedings with ISBN.

The use of the Springer template is mandatory:

When submitting your paper, please indicate type of paper and track in the submission process.


The Work-in-Progress proceedings will be submitted to for online publication.

Submissions are now closed

Important dates:

  • 31 March 2019: Short Paper submissions for Experience Track
  • 15 April 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection
  • 25 April 2019: Camera-ready versions for online Proceedings with ISBN and copyright form

Conference Track

The EMOOCs Summit Program