General Chair

Mauro Calise (Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Track Chair

Carlos Delgado Kloos (UC3M, Spain), Martin Wirsing (LMU, Germany)

Track Committee

Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
Ruth Cobos, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Eamon Costello, Dublin City University, Ireland
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (Track chair)
Stavros Demetriadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Yves Deville, UCLouvain, Belgium
Pierre Dillenbourg, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Mª Carmen Fernández-Panadero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Dragan Gasevic, Monash University, Australia
Jeff Haywood, University of Edinburgh, UK
Mª Blanca Ibáñez-Espiga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Marco Kalz, Heidelberg University of Education, Germany
Anja Lorenz, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Katherine Maillet, Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom Ecole de Management, France
Colin Milligan, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Pedro M. Moreno-Marcos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Abelardo Pardo, University of South Australia, Australia
Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, U. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
TC Pong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Felix Seyfarth, Universität St Gallen, Switzerland
Valentina Reda, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Inge de Waard, The Open University, UK
Armin Weinberger, Saarland University, Germany
Martin Wirsing, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany (Track chair)

Call for Papers

The number of HE institutions involved in MOOCs, and the numbers of courses and enrolled students, has increased exponentially in recent years both in Europe and beyond. One of the results of this growing MOOC movement is an increasing body of research evidence that positions itself within the established research communities in technology enhanced learning, open education and distance learning. Key trends that are accelerating HE technology adoption are blended learning design and collaborative learning as well as a growing focus on measuring learning and redesigning learning spaces, and, in the long-term, deeper learning approaches and cultures of innovation.

This track welcomes high-level papers supported by empirical evidence to provide a rigorous theoretical backdrop to the more practical approaches described in the experience track, and particularly invites contributions in the area of these key trends.

  • Learning Designs – blended learning, collaborative learning, learner-generated content, open textbooks, immersive learning, relating course and content to learning outcomes
  • Defining and Measuring learning – learning analytics, educational data mining, user behaviour studies, adaptive and personalisation studies, cognitive theories and deep learning
  • Technology – infrastructure and interface, tools and methods to provide learning at scale; tools and methods for assessment; tools and methods for data collection and processing; blockchain technology; ai + automated feedback


Submission of Papers

This is a one-step process, via direct submission of abstract and full paper.

Full paper: up to 10 pages including references

There will be official conference proceedings for this track and submissions will be handled through EasyChair.

The use of the supplied Springer template is mandatory:

Please remember to indicate the relevant Track when you submit your paper.

Important Dates:

  • 14 Jan 2019: Paper submissions for Research Track.
  • 18 Feb 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection
  • 14 Mar 2019: Camera-ready versions for Springer LNCS Proceedings and copyright form.

Latecomer authors who still wish to submit are asked to contact organisers at


The Proceedings of the Research Track will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.


Submission of Work-in-Progress Short Papers

Short papers (up to 6 pages) are also  accepted in this track, reflecting work in progress, for publication in Online proceedings with ISBN.

The use of the Springer template is mandatory:

When submitting your paper, please indicate type of paper and track in the submission process.


The Work-in-Progress proceedings will be submitted to for online publication.

Submissions are now closed

Important dates:

  • 31 March 2019: Short Paper submissions for Research Track
  • 15 April 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection
  • 25 April 2019: Camera-ready versions for online Proceedings with ISBN and copyright form

Conference Track

The EMOOCs Summit Program