General Chair

Mauro Calise (Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Workshops Chair

Martin Ebner (Graz University of Technology)

Workshops Committee

Marco Kalz, Heidelberg University of Education, Germany
Michael Kopp, University of Graz, Austria
Andreas Wittke, Luebeck University of Applied Science, Germany
Christian Willems, Hasso Plattner Institut, Germany


In addition to the main programme, EMOOCs 2019 offers the opportunity to host a series of workshops. The aim of these workshops is to provide a forum for exploring and discussing emerging trends in MOOCs in a more participatory and informal way. The topics of the workshops should be aligned with the themes in the main Call for Papers, and although track-specific proposals are welcome, workshops that connect research, experience, business and policy at the Institutional level are particularly encouraged.

The format and content of any workshop will be decided by its organisers but preference will be given to innovative and interactive approaches that facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences, and, hopefully, identify opportunities for new collaborations, actions or initiatives in the field of multimedia and online learning.

Those interested in organizing a workshop are requested to submit a proposal of maximum 4 pages, including:

  • A concise and engaging title.
  • The names and affiliations of the organizers. Including a short bio underlying the qualifications on the workshop subject and the experience on workshops/meetings organization.
  • The workshop’s objective, topic, content, and themes (include a clear statement detailing why the workshop topic is relevant to EMOOCs 2019)
  • The description of the workshop format detailing draft timeline, and type of activities (e.g., paper presentation, invited talks, lightning talks, breakout discussion, demos, etc.).
  • Targeted attendance
  • Proposed duration of the workshop (1.5 hours or 3 hours) and organizational requirements (special room, technical needs, etc.)

When relevant:

  • An indication on whether the workshop registration will be open to all interested registered parties or limited.
  • A description of how workshop submissions will be evaluated, and a tentative PC list (with indication if the PC members have already expressed interest).
  • Any plan of dissemination of the workshop results (e.g. publications)

The workshop selection will be handled competitively and preference will be given in terms of:

  •   Topic relevance for EMOOCs 2019
  •   Innovativeness
  •   Envisaged level of participation and engagement
  •   Overall quality and comprehensiveness of planning



Workshop proposals must be submitted via EasyChair. Workshop proposals should not exceed 4 pages.

The use of the LNCS template is mandatory:

Once a proposal is accepted, the organisers should create their own websites with all the necessary information for dissemination of the event to encourage contributors and participants alike. The EMOOCs 2019 organisation team will then link to these pages from the workshop space on the official conference website and including the workshop timelines, etc.

Submissions are now closed

Important Dates:

  • 14 January 2019: Deadline for proposals’ submission: 
  • 11 February 2019: Notification acceptance/rejection: 
  • 25 March 2019: Deadline to communicate workshop’s URL 

Conference Track

The EMOOCs Summit Program